1. Welcome

This is the Install Program for MediaXW just click next to continue
2. License
This is the License information for MediaXW you might want to read
through it to see what you can do with Media XW.
3. Setup Types

Here is the Installation Menu choose the one that you want. If you
want everything from MediaXW do a complete install (it doesn't take
up much space) or if you only want a few components choose custom.Skip
to 5 if you are not doing a custom install.
4.Custom Install

This is the custom installation menu it lets you choose exactly what
you want and where you want it installed. To choose the components you
want installed click on the disk (or X) icon next to the component then
choose if you want it installed or not. The box on the right gives some
helpful information on what you are installing like a description. The
disk usage button gives information on how much space the installation
will take up how much space you have now and how much you will have
afterwards. When you are ready to install press continue.
5.Ready to Install

If you are ready to install then choose install if you want to make
any changes to the installation press back.

Just sit back and relax as MediaXW installs and sets up itself this
doesn't take very long.

MediaXW has finished installing and is ready to use. Enjoy!